Bathroom handrail purchase points

Bathroom handrail purchase points

There are a lot of details to pay attention to when shopping for bathroom handrails. Non-slip safety handrail is an important facility for the elderly, as for the barrier-free design of the handrail, the material, shape and size are the main factors that you should consider first, among which there are 3 main aspects that need to be grasped the most:

1, the installation of bathroom handrails:

Comparison from the point of view of the safety of use, the installation of punched holes with screws is still better than the suction cup type.

① Suction cup bathroom grab bar

bathroom handrails

Suction cup bathroom grab bar is mainly fixed on the wall by suction, but for the wall is not smooth and old tile wall is not suitable.

This suction cup bathroom grab bar is relatively simple to install, clean up the wall surface can be installed, the grip is also particularly strong.

But many people are worried that this suction cup bathroom grab bar is not safe, one day suddenly fall down, but this concern is understandable, this suction cup bathroom grab bar need to regularly check the adhesion.

② perforated screw embedded bathroom handrail

bathroom grab bars for elderly

Perforated bathroom grab bar is the need to make holes in the walls of the bathroom at home, do not feel that the holes are very troublesome, in fact, for those who have never installed it is also very simple.

Perforated bathroom grab bars have a particularly strong grip compared to suction cup installations, so you don't have to worry about the screws falling out one day due to sudden loosening, and as far as the screws themselves are built into the inside of the grab bar, they don't oxidise easily, and can be used for a very long time.

Of course, if you are installed in the bathroom on the glass, that is to buy suction cup bathroom handrail.

2, the weight-bearing capacity of the bathroom handrail:

The weight-bearing capacity of the bathroom handrail is mainly through the number of handrail screw holes to determine the number of screw holes, the more screw holes, tighten the bathroom handrail natural weight-bearing capacity is stronger.

For the elderly, home installation of perforated bathroom handrails is still particularly important, although the grip of the elderly than young people may not be so big, but because when using, the hand is required to pull the handrail all the time, so for the handrail's grip and load-bearing capacity is very important.

3, bathroom handrail surface is non-slip

All stainless steel bathroom handrails, not easy to rust, and strong and durable, but just after a bath on the hands of the residual moisture stained surface, will lead to slippery hands.

In the purchase of bathroom handrails should choose the surface concave pattern more handrails, especially the kind of convex particles with a little bit of design is better, can be very good to increase the friction. Or waterproof treatment, non-slip handrail.

Summary: In the choice of bathroom handrails make need to focus on the choice of perforated embedded, followed by the choice of installation with more screw holes, the last is to see whether the handrail is waterproof, non-slip.

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