How do I wash the hair of a bedridden elderly person?

How do I wash the hair of a bedridden elderly person?

Elderly people are less resistant and frail. Under the influence of diseases and other reasons, some elderly people are bedridden for a long time and need to be taken care of by others in terms of food and living. As a carer of the elderly, you will often be overwhelmed by some seemingly trivial things, such as washing the hair of the elderly.

一、Preparation before washing hair

Before washing the hair of the bedridden elderly, it is important to communicate with the elderly in advance; prepare the relevant items; close the doors and windows, and adjust the room temperature to a warmer temperature to avoid the elderly catching a cold in the process of washing hair.

二、The operation steps of hair washing

1. Adjust the old man's lying position

Assist the elderly to move the pillow, let the elderly head close to the bedside. Assist the elderly to lie on their backs to keep them in a safe and comfortable position.

2. Protect the eyes and ears

Use cotton balls to plug the ears of the elderly, use a small towel to cover both eyes or help the elderly to put on an eye mask to prevent water from flowing into the eyes and ears.

3. Hair washing basin

Put a pillow on the neck of the elderly so that it protrudes and the head is in the centre of the trough of the shampoo basin. Connect a water pipe to the outlet of the shampoo basin and put the water pipe into the sewage bucket.

4. Wash the hair

With a handful of warm water first in the elderly head to try the water temperature, ask the elderly whether the water temperature is appropriate, to confirm the appropriate before starting to wash their hair. Remember to wash the old man's hair so that the water is not too hard, try to be as gentle as possible.

三、Special Notes

1. Adjust your movements according to the needs of the elderly at any time during the shampooing process, and stop shampooing immediately if the elderly have any abnormality.

2. Avoid the water flowing into the eyes and ears of the elderly, and wetting the clothes and bedding of the elderly, because they have to be replaced when wet.

3. pay attention to changes in room temperature and water temperature, and help the elderly to dry their hair in time after shampooing.

4. The operation should be as light and quick as possible to reduce the discomfort and fatigue of the elderly.

5. The washing time should not be too long to avoid the fatigue of the elderly. 6.

6. Elderly people who are particularly weak or unstable should not have their hair washed.

older people

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