How to choose a wheelchair for special people

How to choose a wheelchair for special people

Wheelchairs are the most common assistive devices found in hospitals. Lower limb fracture, frail patients need to use a wheelchair temporarily; for paralysis, stroke, amputee and frail elderly, wheelchair is like their legs, is to help them improve their ability to take care of their own life, to go to work and return to society is an important tool.

Special users to buy wheelchairs such as only one hand or only one hand to drive the wheelchair, to choose a wheelchair with only one hand can drive two wheels at the same time function. Otherwise, if you buy an ordinary wheelchair without a carer, you can only turn in place. First look at the wheelchair seat and backrest material is strong and durable; second look at the quality of the wheels and spokes, wheel rotation flexibility; third look at the appearance of the wheelchair process, the appearance of the wheelchair process is rough wheelchair its inner quality will not be too good, the tyres should be selected to be durable.


People with leg disabilities need to ride the wheelchair for a long time, so there will be certain requirements for the comfort of the backrest and seat to reduce the discomfort caused by sitting for a long time. Too high backrest will reduce the flexibility but more secure, for people with strong upper limb strength can choose low backrest wheelchair, more flexible and convenient to use, but the relative security will be reduced.

transport wheelchair

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