Summer is coming, the elderly heat stroke prevention tips

Summer is coming, the elderly heat stroke prevention tips

Common causes of heat stroke in the elderly

1. Increase in body heat production: the elderly are too obese, resulting in increased body heat production, high temperature environment activities for too long.

2. Reduced body heat dissipation: some older people are used to wearing airtight clothes, environmental humidity and so on.

3. Decrease in the body's ability to adapt to heat: the elderly suffer from diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other chronic diseases, old age and so on.

heat stroke in seniors

Heat stroke common clinical manifestations

1.aura of heat stroke

Normal or elevated body temperature; sweating, thirst; dizziness, blurred vision, poor concentration; chest tightness, palpitations; nausea; limb weakness.


Flushing, burning skin, chest tightness, palpitations; elevated body temperature; nausea, vomiting, pallor, cold and clammy skin of the limbs, excessive sweating, rapid pulse and decreased blood pressure.

3.severe heat stroke

In addition to mild heat stroke symptoms, accompanied by high fever, cramps, fainting and coma, and clinically often divided into heat cramps, heat exhaustion and pyrexia. Among them, pyrexia is a fatal emergency, also known as hyperthermia, with high fever, no sweating, impaired consciousness “triad” as the typical performance of the elderly, especially those with cardiovascular disease is more common.

walking aids

Elderly people, especially those with cardiovascular disease are more common

1. As soon as possible to make the elderly out of the hot environment.

2. Rapidly cool down the elderly, oral salt drink or ice water, and repeatedly wipe the whole body with cold water.

3.Determine the state of consciousness of the elderly and send them to the doctor as soon as possible.


Tips to prevent heat stroke in the elderly

Timely hydration: It is recommended that the elderly maintain a daily water intake of 1,000-1,500 milliliters in summer, and increase the water intake as appropriate when sweating a lot, as well as replenish salt-containing beverages appropriately.

Adequate sleep: In addition to going to bed early and waking up early to ensure adequate sleep, appropriate lunch breaks of 1-2 hours in summer are conducive to the elimination of fatigue and restoration of physical strength in the elderly.

Appropriate exercise: It is recommended that the elderly exercise appropriately in the cool mornings or evenings to help improve the body's ability to respond to changes in the weather. If they have difficulty in walking, they can use walking aids and crutches to assist them in exercising.

Take precautions against heatstroke when going out, try not to travel when the sun is hot, and when you have to go out, protect yourself from the sun and carry medicines to relieve heatstroke.

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