Five Effective Mobility Aids

Five Effective Mobility Aids

A single-point cane can be helpful in many situations, and some extra support can reduce pain and discomfort. A cane is the easiest way to provide some support for your legs. If your problem is arthritis, a single point cane is a good option.

A single-point cane

Quad canes are a good choice for people who need more stability than a standard single-point cane but don't need the full support of a walker.

Knee walkers

Crutches allow you to take all the weight off the affected leg or foot. Crutches require good stability and upper body strength, so they are usually less useful for older people. However, crutches can provide excellent support and freedom for those with plenty of strength.

Quad canes

A walker is the most supportive mobility aid, although it is also the most cumbersome. It is an excellent choice for those with poor balance or weak upper body strength.

A single-point cane

Knee walkersKnee walkers are easy to use and are one of the easiest ways to get around safely and quickly without putting weight on your legs. Ideal for people who have difficulty using crutches and don't want to be slowed down by a walker. Knee walkers cannot be used to climb stairs, so if you go up and down stairs a lot, you may need another type of walker.

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